Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Accessible web design london

Accessibility is about making your website accessible to people with disabilities and is a legal requirement under the Disability Discrimination Act. More than one in seven of the U.K. population (about 8.5 Million) have some form of disability which can inhibit their use of your web site if their needs are not taken into consideration in the design process. That's a lot of potential viewers!
Disabled people represent a market for goods and services estimated at £33b each year. (RADAR web site - consultancy services). However the Disabled Rights Commission (DRC) claim that this figure is actually £40b.

Disabled people are more likely to use the internet for research, entertainment and the purchase of goods and services than any other distinct group in society.

Just make sure the web designers you choose have a full understanding of the design issues related to accessibility - just like us! Then you can be confident that your website can be explored by everyone and that you are not heading for a law suit from a disgruntled user.

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